Space buffs will certainly give this alien creation permission to land



  • 2 liter ( 4 pint / 10 cups) bowl-shaped cake.
  • 35cm ( 14in ) round cake board
  • Ikg ( 2lb ) sugarpaste / rolled fondant 
  • mauve, black & green food coloring pastes icing / confectioners ' sugar in a sugar shaker
  • 185g ( 6oz / 3/4 cups) buttercream
  • 60g ( 2oz / ¼  cup ) royal icing
  • strands of liquorice / licorice
  • fruit-flavored jelly sweets/candies 


  • sharp knife
  • large rolling pin
  • cake smoother
  • cocktail sticks/toothpicks
  • small circle cutter
  • piping bag 


Color 750g ( 1 ½ lb ) of sugarpaste mauve Roll out 470g ( 15oz ) and cover the cake board, then put aside to dry Trim the crust from the cake and slice the top flat Turn the cake upside down. Spread with a layer of buttercream to help the sugarpaste stick before positioning the cake on the center of the cake board.

Roll out the remaining mauve sugarpaste and cover the top of the cake only Trim away the excess sugar paste, leaving a strip of uncovered cake around the base approximately 5cm ( 2in ) wide. Smooth the surface with a cake smoother.

image of trimming the cake

Color 140g ( 4 ½ oz ) of sugarpaste black roll it out thinly and cut a strip to fit the gap around the base of the cake. With the mauve sugarpaste trimmings, cut narrow strips to mark the windows and stick them in place with a little royal icing.

image of blck cake strips

Color the remaining sugarpaste green. To make each alien, roll a ball of sugarpaste pulling down a neck and carefully pinching all the way around until long and thin. Put the alien onto the work surface, then push in the tip of a cocktail stick to mark two nostrils. Press in twice at the top to make two holes for the long antennae to slot into. Don't make the antennae until all the aliens are in position on the cake.

image of alien body parts

To mark the mouth, press the circle cutter at an angle. Roll tiny balls of black sugar [paste for the eyes. Make the aliens some larger than others, and secure them in position with royal icing.

Make the alien’s antennae by rolling a long, thin sausage of green sugarpaste and cutting it into short lengths. Slot the antennae into the holes Stick a black ball onto the end of each of the antennae, securing everything in place with tiny dots of royal icing

Stick strips of licorice and fruit-flavored jelly sweets around the outside edge of the cake board using royal icing. Cut two small lengths of licorice and push them into the top of the spaceship to create the aerial. Cut a small hole in two of the sweets and slot them carefully onto the ends of each of the licorice strands. This spaceship and its alien occupants are now ready for take-off!


A sprinkling of icing sugar when rolling out sugarpaste helps prevent it from sticking to the work surface.


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