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I am pleased to have you on the "Cookery Wave"! A variety of cooking techniques, tips, methods, and recipes are featured in this blog, whether it's  Australian, Italian, or international cuisine, and  Pasta,. This blog also includes Old-fashioned Cakes, Biscuits, desserts as well as kids' party cakes. Microwave cooking is an interesting part of this blog for those with little cooking time. In short, this blog offers a variety of cooking recipes for your everyday meals.

The following sections of this blog will give you a better understanding


image of classic sweets

FAVOURITES Of all the tastes we remember with the most intense pleasure and nostalgia, those favorites of childhood usually head the list. We have gathered together in this blog our most well-known and best-loved pastries, cakes, puddings, biscuits, and other sweet treats.

Most of these recipes in Cookery Wave involve baking, so it is important to follow instructions carefully for perfect results.


image of italian dish

In Italy, dishes vary according to the region. In this blog, we have drawn recipes from all regions and the wide range represents Italian cooking at its best. Italian Cookery consists of the following labels


Antipasto makes a light and tempting start to a meal. It can be a colorful array from the delicatessen, as shown in the picture: prosciutto, mortadella, an assortment of salamis and cold meats, olives, artichoke hearts, slices of fresh melon, plus marinated mushrooms. 

image of Cookery Wave "About Us"

In Italian Cookery, we offer other ideas; choose a variety of dishes. A tablespoon or so of each is put on the same plate. Quantities for each give 4 to 6 servings.

The antipasto table at the Pulcinella Restaurant in Kings Cross, Sydney, is delightfully representative of its whole Neapolitan cuisine. This is a favorite dish.


Italian soups can be clear and light or thick and hearty but, whatever the type, good flavor is all-important.


Spaghetti, fettuccine, tagliatelle, macaroni ... spoon these sauces over any favorite pasta.


They like rice in northern Italy and pasta in the south Happily, we enjoy the best of those two worlds


Gnocchi can be served as an entree or part of a main course. Polenta, from northern Italy, is a traditional meal accompaniment.


Perhaps it is with fish and shellfish that Italian cooking is at its most subtle, flavourful best.


Veal is a favorite tender, light, teamed with the richness of melting cheese or colorful sauces. We've added other popular dishes, too.


Crisp, colorful salads provide variety. Here, too, are interesting ways with vegetables . . . Some can serve as an entree or light main course.


Rich and luscious are the famous cakes of Italy. And the exotic biscuits, many of them with popular almond flavoring, are delicious.


The finale for an Italian family meal is generally fruit or cheese but mouth-watering desserts are prepared for special occasions.


Just a little something extra to end the book - unusual recipes, both sweet and savory. 


image of kid's party cake

Each child is unique in their likes and dislikes, some are enthusiastic about dinosaurs and dragons, and others are unable to go anywhere without their favorite teddy in tow. Even tiny children have their favorite subjects, such as boats, cars, and tractors.  I know the sorts of things children adore

In this Blog, I have put together a collection of cakes that are all exceptionally easy to make and require minimum equipment. Many of the designs are aimed at small children, who love simplified images like the ' toy boat ' and ' cute chick '. Other designs will be firm favorites of older children, even teenagers. 

image of Kid's party cake

Birthdays are terribly important to children, so I feel that any effort to make their day as special as possible is not wasted. One of the best moments in my cake-making career has to be the sight of a child's face lighting up with wonder and excitement when they see their very own special birthday cake. The little time involved in making it is worth every minute.


image of Microwave Cookery

The microwave converts energy into heat in a completely different way, which necessitates an understanding of the changed technology in cooking principles, as well as a different understanding of what happens to food in the oven. This blog will explain the fundamentals of cooking. Each of the basic recipes includes a step-by-step explanation. The recipes were chosen to give you ideas for how to modify your own dishes. Despite years of conventional cooking experience, you will not become a perfect microwave cook overnight. With practice, you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll master your microwave. 


image of Pasta

Pasta and noodles fascinate us; their shapes are so varied and the number of ways to use them is almost endless! The name of the pasta, often Italian, describes its shape or type: for example, spaghetti means " little strings ". Names often vary, so choose pasta by shape if you can't find what we specify. Where we specify fresh pasta dough, you can easily make this by following our step-by-step guide in this blog. Filled pasta, such as ravioli and tortellini, is bought unless we specify how to make your own. 

The main Sections of Pasta Cookery are given as


You will enjoy the fresh, light, and pretty look of our marvelous entrees, though some, of course, have to be classed as hearty eating! Some are hot, some cold, and some between, such as a warm pasta salad. There are lovely sauces, too, and soups, including our version of Minestrone. If you prefer, serve these recipes as lunches, snacks, or main meals. However, for good menu balance, the main course should not contain pasta if you serve it in a soup or entree. 


In this section, we have used chicken, spatchcocks, quail, duck, and rabbit in innovative main meals for the family and for entertaining. There are taste treats of many kinds: plump little ravioli and tortellini with delicious fillings, simple baked or fried dishes, curries, stir-fries, casseroles, salads, and more. Most are saucy, and all include pasta as part of the dish or as an accompaniment. 


Fresh seafood is wonderful to cook because it is usually quick and always popular. Lobster, prawns, mussels, smoked salmon and all your favorites are here in dishes ranging from light and pretty to quite hearty eating ( depending on the size of the helping, of course ! ). Even if you think you " can't cook " you'll find something here that is well within your skills. Again, lovely sauces are important and, in every dish, pasta is seafood's perfect partner, ready to start or be an accompaniment. 


Expect the unexpected in this section, because we've been generous with assertive flavors to enhance the good robust taste of beef, so satisfyingly partnered with pasta. Just to tempt you, there are tender cuts of steak and pastrami to serve in smart salads , in stir-fries with noodles, curry, or double-fried into crisp, spicy morsels. And there's mince, lots of mince, terrifically tasty in just over half the recipes. 


It's deliciously easy to serve lamb in tempting new ways when you add plenty of pasta, and these recipes abound in the unusual. For example, there's our cheesy, creamy torte or the clever coil of pasta with a hearty filling. Then there's green pea ravioli with minted lamb salad, honeyed lamb with noodles, and a quick chili garlic lamb and noodle stir-fry. Favorites with a difference include lasagne, cannelloni, and, of course, roast lamb, only this time with pasta and a thick tomato sauce. 


Here you can enjoy tasty mutton favors. There's a truly luscious pizza with a pasta base, a yummy mutton and spinach roll, and little meatballs wrapped around melting, hot mozzarella - all quite hearty, as are the baked mutton lasagne rolls. To tempt you even more, think of pretty salads and great-tasting sauces to make meals ( or entrees ) without fuss. 


You'll find inspiration here with the fresh, healthy appeal of vegetables adding to the pleasures of pasta in main courses and side dishes. For example, salads include an unusual fried tofu salad and a potato salad with a difference. Macaroni, so familiar, takes on a new flair in our cheese sauce pie or nutty macaroni loaf. And among other favorites to sample are mushrooms, especially delicious in our double mushroom ravioli with burnt butter, and cheese and mushroom lasagne. 


Although it sounds unusual to use pasta in sweet ways, you'll enjoy the interesting difference and appeal it adds to these very good desserts. Think of crisp cannelloni shells with creamy coconut ricotta filling, marzipan-filled ravioli with mocha sauce, and lasagne-based apple and almond custard flan. There are other luscious custards and creams, too, variously flavored with caramel, fruit, nuts, and spices. Quick ideas include apple butterscotch sauce and easy peanut honey sauce. We've even made chocolate pasta, and lavished it with raspberry sauce! 


image of world's best cookery

This Blog at last is a collection of the most popular recipes from Australian Test Kitchen - everything from pikelets and rock cakes to sumptuous dinner party desserts; recipes to suit all tastes and all seasons.

The main Sections of World's Best Cookery are given as


Terrines are a relative of the pate, but usually with a coarser, denser texture, making them more satisfying to serve as a main course. Terrines benefit in flavor by being kept refrigerated for at least 24 hours before serving. They will keep for up to a week but do not freeze well. 

All of these delicious pate recipes can be made in a blender or food processor, or ingredients can be pushed through a sieve. They can all be made the day before required, covered, and refrigerated. Serve with hot toast, crackers, or Melba toast. A variety of salad vegetables can be served with the pates. 


Cold soups make a great first course during the hot weather. The recipes we have chosen are speedy to make. We have also made use of convenience foods. The soups are best made the day before serving to allow flavors to develop and the soup to be thoroughly chilled.

Among others, Here are three quick and easy soups to make, and three which take a little longer to prepare. Make a main meal out of the Hearty Winter Soup or Mulligatawny by serving with hot crusty bread 


Most of the entrees we have chosen are quick and easy to assemble and serve, but still look elegant and taste wonderful.


Choose a selection of these savories to serve with drinks. Most can be prepared ahead; some require last-minute cooking. 


Pancakes and crepes are easy to make, so choose one of the recipes, make a batch, and store ( layered with freezer or plastic food wrap ) in the freezer for a month. Then, when required, fill. heat and serve. Wholemeal pancakes are delightfully homely and the other three recipes are rich and delectable; definitely dinner party material. 


Serve an ever-popular hot quiche as a main course with a crisp salad, or serve a small wedge of cold quiche as a summer entree.


There's no secret to making souffles. The basis is simply a white sauce to which egg yolks and flavorings are added, then egg whites folded in lightly. Savory souffles make a perfect entree or, served with salad, a light main course. Sweet souffles are delicious for dessert.


A mousse can be sweet or savory, hot or cold. We've chosen six superb cold mousses; make them the day before serving if desired.


Here are 6 fabulous pizza toppings with a choice of 5 different crusts. All topping and base recipes will make 2 pizzas; sse pans with a base measuring 28cm. If two pizzas are one too many, freeze one ( uncooked ) for next time. To serve, unwrap frozen pizza, return to pan, and bake as directed in individual recipes. Cooking time will be up to 10 minutes longer. If using compressed yeast, use 15g Instead of 7g sachet.


Pasta is widely available packaged, frozen, or fresh from specialty shops. It comes in many shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors, so choose whichever you like to complement our sances. Cooking time varies: freshly made takes the shortest time. Boil pasta uncovered in a large pan of rapidly boiling, salted water with a couple of teaspoons of oil added to the water. Pasta should be cooked until it is just tender; drain immediately, do not rinse under water. 


The Rainbow Coleslaw and Layered Garden Salad are ideal for barbecues; Greek Fish Salad and Water Chestnut Salad can be served instead of a green salad. A potato salad is always popular; the two prawn salads make perfect main courses.


Many varieties of fish are available: choose the best of your local white, nonoily fish for the recipes that specify fillets.


Use these vegetable recipes to accompany the meat. chicken, fish, and so on, or serve the more substantial recipes as a main course instead of meat.


We've selected our most often requested fruit cakes. They are all different - some are suitable for making the whole year round; the richer ones are ideal for Christmas, and weddings. 21st birthdays and so on Fruit cakes will keep and cut best if stored in the refrigerator. They will all freeze successfully for several months, though there is no need to freeze the richer cakes.


Scones, pikelets, and teacakes are easy to make. delicious and always popular. Our homemade muesli is a winner, too.


Here's a variety of biscuits and slices, some homely- ideal for children's lunches and snacks - and some more luscious, perfect to serve with coffee. The Muesli Apricot Slice is also a delicious and healthy - addition to children's lunches.


Breads are satisfying to make if you have the time. Remember, bread freezes well and it is often just as easy to make several loaves as it is to make one. We have found plastic food wrap to be excellent for covering the basins in which bread is proven. Be sure the bread is cooked through; when cooking time has expired, remove the bread from the tin and tap the base of the bread firmly with your fingers. If it sounds hollow, it is cooked; if not, return to the oven, preferably out of the tin ( see method for the crisp-crusted Wholemeal Bran Bread; this can be applied to any bread ). To substitute dry yeast for compressed yeast, note that 30g of compressed yeast equals 3 teaspoons of dry yeast: follow the directions on the packet for using dried yeast.


Desserts range from homely and hearty to elegant special treats. A lot of them can be made a day or two in advance for added convenience.


We've chosen 5 deliciously different ice cream, all glamorous enough to serve at dinner parties. Remember to keep them covered while freezing to help prevent crystals from forming. Sorbets are wonderfully refreshing and light; make them up to a week before required and keep them covered while in the freezer.


A mas brings many calls for pudding recipes: these & are popular. Choose the method that suits you best; each recipe serves at least 8 people.


Except for the Toffee Dipped Grapes, these Sweet Treats can be made at least a day before required. Store them in the refrigerator if the weather is warm.


Homemade liqueurs make great gifts for friends; make them about 3 months before giving them away.


We've chosen 6 of our favorite punches, 3 alcoholic and 3 non-alcoholic. Remember to have all ingredients well chilled, and add any sparkling aerated drinks just before serving. If the punch has to stand a long time serve ice separately, as it dilutes the drink too much.


Choose unblemished. slightly under-ripe fruit for jams and jellies. Use a large pan or boiler to allow maximum evaporation of liquid in minimum time. Once the sugar has been added, do not have the mixture deeper than 5cm; if it is, dissolve the sugar, then cook the jam mixture in batches. The cooking times given are only a guide; when the mixture falls from a wooden spoon in heavy drops, remove the jam from heat, allow bubbles to subside, then drop a teaspoon of jam onto a cold saucer; when cold it is easy to tell if the jam is ready or not.


Two gift ideas for Christmas and two for any other time to give your friends and family These are suitable for children to make; perhaps the Christmas tree would need adult supervision. 

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Have a nice day!


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