Microwave Chicken Liver Pate Recipe

Power: HIGH

Serves 4

Cooking time: 6-9 mins.

Dish: Souffle dish or individual dishes

image of cooked chicken liver in frying pan

Microwave Chicken Liver Pate Recipe


  •  225 g or 8 oz chicken livers
  • 50 g or 2oz butter
  • 1 x 15 ml or 1 tbsp Brandy
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • I clove garlic, crushed salt, and freshly ground
  • black pepper
  • pinch nutmeg
  • To garnish :
  • 25 g or 1 oz melted butter 

Microwave Chicken Liver Pate Method:

Put the onion, garlic, and butter in a basin. Cook on HIGH for 3-4 minutes. Cut up the chicken livers. Add to the onion mixture. Cover the basin with cling film. Cook on HIGH for 3-5 minutes. Shake the dish occasionally or remove the cover and stir.

WATCHPOINT: The liver will make a " popping " noise as it cooks. Allow the mixture to cool slightly before liquidizing with the brandy, nutmeg, and seasoning until desired consistency is reached. Tip into a suitable serving dish. Smooth over the top and pour over melted butter. Chill well before serving. For a smoother pâté add 2 x 15 ml ( 2 tbsps ) cream. This is also delicious with turkey livers instead of chicken. 

Also Read: Microwave Huntsman Soup Recipe

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