Microwave Savoury Mushrooms Recipe

 Power: HIGH

 Serves 4

Cooking time: 2-3 mins.

 Dish: 20 cm ( 8 " ) plate.

image of savoury mashrooms in dish

Microwave Savoury Mushrooms Recipe


  • 8 large field mushrooms
  • 100 g or 4oz blue cheese
  • 50 g or 2oz breadcrumbs
  • 2 x 15 ml or 2 tbsp  tomato puree
  • garlic
  • pinch mixed herbs
  • salt to taste

 Microwave Savoury Mushrooms Method:

Remove the stalks from the mushrooms. Finely chop the stalks and reserve. Place the mushroom caps in a circle on a plate. In a bowl cream together the cheese, tomato puree, and herbs. Stir in the chopped mushroom stalks, and breadcrumbs and season with garlic salt. 

Divide the mixture between the mushrooms and pile it into the center of each cap.Heat on HIGH for 2-3 minutes. The mushrooms should be soft and the mixture hot. If the cheese is too cold to cream warm it for 10-20 seconds on HIGH.

Also Read: Microwave Chicken Liver Pâté Recipe

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