Microwave Golden Ginger Cake Recipe

Power: HIGH - LOW

Makes 16 slices

Cooking time: 22 mins.

Dish : 20 cm ( 8 " ) souffle dish

image of  Golden Ginger Cake


350 g or 12oz golden syrup

125 g or 5oz margarine

250 g or 9oz plain flour

2.5 ml  or 1/2 tsp salt

2x 5 ml  or 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda

2x 5 ml or 2 tsp ground ginger

1 egg, beaten

300 ml or 1/2 pint milk

to decorate : 

100 g icing sugar

1 x 5 ml or 1 tsp lemon juice

1-2 x 15 ml  or 1-2 tbsp warm water

few pieces of crystalized ginger


Microwave Golden Ginger Cake Method:

    1. Line the base of the souffle dish with a circle of greaseproof paper.
    2. Put the golden syrup and margarine into a jug and heat on HIGH for 2 minutes. 
    3. Sieve the flour, salt, bicarbonate of soda, and ginger into a mixing bowl.
    4. Add the melted ingredients and stir until thoroughly combined
    5. Add the milk and egg, and stir well to give a thin batter-like consistency.
    6. Fill the prepared dish with the batter and cook on LOW for 18-20 minutes.
    7. Test towards the end of cooking with a wooden cocktail stick.
    8. Cool in the dish for 5 minutes before turning out.
    9. Cool completely then wrap in foil. 
    10. For best results store for 2 days.

To serve :

  • Mix the icing sugar with a little lemon juice and warm water to give an icing that will coat the back of a spoon.
  • Top the cake with the filling and decorate it with crystalized ginger.
  • The top of the cake may have a pale streaky appearance before it is decorated.

Also Read: Microwave Carrot Cake Recipe

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