Microwave Chocolate Brandy Truffles Recipe

image of Chocolate Brandy Truffles

Microwave Chocolate Brandy Truffles 


  • 100 g  or 4 oz plain chocolate
  • 50 g or 2oz butter
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 x 15 ml 2 tbsp brandy
  • 25 g 1 oz ground almonds
  • 25 g or 1oz stale cake crumbs
  • 225 g or 8oz icing sugar,


In a basin, combine the chocolate pieces and the butterCook on HIGH for 1½ - 2 minutes until chocolate and butter are melted. Stir in the egg yolks and rum and beat well. 

Stir in the cake crumbs, almonds, and icing sugar, and stir until well combined. Chill until firm. Divide into I cm ( 12 " ) balls and roll in chocolate vermicelli, icing sugar, or sieved cocoa powder

Power: HIGH

Makes 24- 30

Cooking time: 2 mins.

Dish: Mixing bowl

Also Read: Microwave Toffee Apple Recipes

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