Certainly eye-catching, this trendy flower cake is a treat for any teenager 


  • 20cm ( Bin ) petal-shaped cake
  • 30cm ( 12in ) round cake board 
  • .410g ( 13oz / 1½ cups ) buttercream
  • icing/confectioners' sugar in a sugar shaker.
  • 1kg ( 2lb ) sugarpaste / rolled fondant
  • orange, yellow & black food coloring pastes
  • sheet of rice paper
  • black, yellow, and orange. pink, blue & green food coloring pens
  • sugar glue
  • a small length of licorice/licorice


  • sheet of flower print wrapping paper
  • non-toxic glue stick
  • sheet of greaseproof paper wax baking paper
  • scissors
  • large rolling pin
  • sharp knife
  • cake smoother
  • templates
  • 5cm ( 2in ) & miniature circle cutters
  •  cocktail stick/toothpick
  •  small pieces of foam sponge


Cover the cake board with paper,. Cut out the cake shape on greaseproof paper using the bakeware as a guide. This act as a barrier between the cake and the paper-covered cake board. Trim the crust from the cake and slice the top flat. Cut a layer in the cake and sandwich together using buttercream. Place a thin layer of buttercream on top of the cake. Roll out 750g (1 1/2 lb ) of white sugar paste and cover the cake.

Color 250g ( Boz ) of sugarpaste orange. Roll out and cut six petals, using the template. Smooth the edges of each to round off, then stick in place around the cake with sugar glue. Cut out a circle in the center and remove the sugar paste Colour the white trimmings yellow and cut out a flattened ball to fill the center of the cake,

Cut out the butterfly's wings from a piece of nice paper using the template. With the black food coloring pen, draw the pattern on each wing on the smooth side of the nice paper. Color the design using the food coloring pens, then put it aside to dry,

image of butterfly 

Color 7g ( 1/4oz ) of the trimmings black. Roll a long teardrop shape for the butterfly's body, then roll a ball-shaped head, two pupils, and two balls for the end of each antenna. Press the tiny circle cutter into the head to indent the smile. Using a cocktail stick. make two tiny holes in the top of the butterfly's head. Cut two tiny strips of licorice and slot them into the holes, securing them with sugar glue. Stick the two balls on the top of each antenna. Using a tiny amount of white sugar paste, make the eyes, sticking the black pupils in place of the cake.

To assemble the butterfly, With a knife, make two sticks to the body and head cuts on either side of the body. Moisten with sugar glue and slot in the rice paper wings. Cut strips of rice paper to fit each curve of the cake Colour the strips into different colors,  Moisten them with sugar glue, and stick them around the cake.


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