Look-out guards will have to be extra vigilant or this cake will soon disappear 


  • 25cm ( 10in ) square cake,
  • 12 mini Swiss rolls/jelly rolls
  •  25cm ( 10in ) round cake board
  •  440g ( 14oz / 1 ¾   cups ) buttercream
  •  1.5kg ( 3lb ) sugarpaste rolled fondant
  •  black, cream & green food coloring pastes
  • icing/confectioners' sugar in a sugar shaker
  •  sugar glue 


  • small rolling pin
  • sharp knife
  • 3.5cm ( 1½in ) circle cutter
  • small square cutter
  • cocktail stick/toothpick 


Trim the crust from the cake and slice the top flat Cut the cake into four equal squares and sandwich the squares with buttercream to form the castle. Sandwich three mini Swiss rolls together for each comer tower, then spread a layer of buttercream over the surface of the entire cake to help the sugarpaste stick.

image of cake crust with buttercream

Colour 125g ( 40z ) of sugarpaste black. Using icing sugar to prevent sticking, thinly roll out 60g(2oz) and cut a panel to cover the front of the cake. Color 250g(8oz ) sugarpaste pale grey 625g ( 1 ¼ lb )grey and 250g ( 8oz ) dark grey using a touch of black food coloring paste. Roll out 155g ( 5oz ) of grey sugarpaste and cut a square to cover the top of the cake, then cut four circles using the cutter and position one on top of each tower Using the different shades of grey, shape flattened pieces of sugarpaste and press on to the cake surface, covering the cake completely, apart from three windows and a doorway at the front,

image of body oc castle guards cake

With the remaining grey sugar paste, roll out and cut strips measuring 2.5cm ( 1in ) in depth. Cut the tunnel using the small square cutter and stick it in place with sugar glue. Thinly roll out and cut strips for the portcullis, indenting with the tip of a cocktail stick Slightly flattens small modeled balls of grey sugarpaste to create an edging for the doorway.

image of cake  strips with grey color

Split 7g(1/4oz) of dark grey sugarpaste into three pieces and model teardrop shapes for the guards ' helmets, Stick these with the point uppermost at each window, then press to indent the center of each. Color a small amount of sugarpaste cream and model three ball-shaped heads and oval-shaped noses and hands, sticking in place with sugar glue  Mark the faces with a cocktail stick Shape tiny sleeves with grey sugar paste.

image of cake body

Shape the cannon with 30g ( loz ) of black sugarpaste by rolling a ball, then pinching to the funnel. Push a cocktail stick into the end and twist it around to open it up. With the remaining black, the model flattened circles for wheels and rolled the cannon balls

Color the remaining sugarpaste green. Roll out and press onto the cake board, pushing up against the cake and indenting with the rolling pin to mark an uneven surface. With the remaining pieces of grey, shape rocks and scatter them over the board.


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