- .25cm ( 10in ) square cake,
- 25cm ( 10in ) round cake board.
- 1.5kg ( 3lb ) sugarpaste / rolled fondant
- green, yellow & pink food coloring paste
- icing/confectioners' sug in a sugar shake
- 500g ( 11b / 2 cups ) buttercream
- sugar glue
- assorted sweets/candies
- lollipops
- hundreds and thousands / of sprinkles
- vermicelli / sugar strands .
- 3cm ( 1 1/2 in ) circle cutter
- large rolling pin
- sharp knife
- cake smoother
Color 440g ( 140z ) of sugar paste green Using icing sugar to prevent sticking, roll out 315g ( 10oz ) and cover the cake board, trimming the excess sugar paste from around the edge. Put the covered cake board aside to dry.
Trim the crust from the cake and slice the top flat, Cut the cake into four equal squares. Stack them, making sure that each layer rests straight. Trim a wedge from either side of the two top layers of cake to create the sloping roof.
Sandwich all the layers of cake together using buttercream, then spread a layer of buttercream over the surface of the cake to help the sugar paste stick.
Color 1kg ( 2lb ) of sugar paste pale yellow. Split 22g ( 3/4 oz ) in half, roll into balls, and press onto the front of the house to create padding for the cheeks. Roll out 170g (5 1/2oz ) of pale yellow sugar paste and cut two pieces to cover the two sides of the house. Press in position and smooth with a cake smoother
Roll out 220g(7oz) of yellow sugar paste. Position the back of the cake down onto this piece of yellow sugar paste and cut around the shape Repeat this process to cover the front of the cake. Carefully position the covered cake on the cake board. Sugar glue the joins and smooth them closed. Using your finger, gently indent the smile.
Roll out the remaining pale yellow sugar paste and cut a piece slightly larger than the two sides of the roof. Position this on top of the cake. Moisten the roof with sugar glue. Arrange some of the smaller, soft sweets over the roof, covering it completely.
Using the green model some bushes around the base of the house, positioning them where the lollipops will be. Moisten the lollipop sticks and push them into the bushes for support. For large lollipops, moisten a tiny amount of sugar paste with sugar glue and use it to stick the top of the lollipop against the house more securely.
Arrange all the remaining sweets around the .cake board, piling against the sides of the house. Moisten the front path with sugar glue, then sprinkle with thousands which will stick to the glue Sprinkle the bushes with sugar strands.
Thinly roll out 78(1/4oz) of white sugar paste and cut a circle. Cut the circle in half for the eyes. Cut strips for the top and bottom using pale yellow trimmings. Stick on to the house using two sweets for the pupils and a sprinkling of sugar strands for the eyelashes
Use any type of sweets available to decorate this simple house. As a special treat, use your child's favorite sweets.