A fun, happy clown face is always a popular choice for children's parties 


  • 3 liter ( 6 pint / 15 cups) bowl-shaped cake
  •  35cm ( 14in ) round cake board
  •  2kg ( 4lb ) sugarpaste / rolled fondant
  •  yellow, cream, black, orange, red, blue & green food coloring pastes
  •  icing/confectioners' sugar in a sugar shaker.
  • 220g ( 7oz / 1 cup ) buttercream.
  •  sugar glue 


  • large rolling pin
  •  sharp knife.
  •  cake smoother
  • templates 


Color 470g ( 15oz ) of sugar paste yellow. Using icing sugar to prevent sticking, roll out all the yellow sugar paste and cover the cake board, trimming any excess from around the edge. Then put the covered cake board aside to dry.

Trim the crust from the cake and slice the top flat, using a sharp knife. Spread a layer of buttercream over the surface of the cake to help the sugar paste stick. Color 470g ( 150z ) of sugarpaste cream. Roll out the cream sugar paste and cover the cake, causally trimming around the base. Position the cake in the center of the cake board.

Using the templates, thinly roll out 45g ( 1 ½  oz ) of white sugar paste. Cut out the eyes and mouth from this piece. Stick the eyes and mouth in place with sugar glue then, using your finger, smooth a ridge the width of the mouth and indent at each Comer to create a smile. Color 7g ( ¼ oz ) of sugarpaste black. Thinly roll out and cut four thin strips for the eyes. Stick the strips in place with sugar glue.

image of parts of circus clown cake

To make the clown's hair, first color 440g ( 140z ) of sugar paste orange. Thickly roll out this orange sugar paste and cut it into strips, each approximately 5-7cm ( 2-3in ) in  length Stick these strips around the clown's face, starting at the sides and building up over the top of his head. Color 140g ( 4 ½ oz ) of sugarpaste red. Make the clown's nose by rolling 45g ( 1 ½ oz ) of the red sugar paste into a ball, and pressing it in place.

image of clown hat

Color 250g ( 8oz ) of sugarpaste blue. Roll out and cut the hat rim using the template. Using 75g ( 2 ½  oz ) of the blue sugar paste, roll a ball for the top of the hat Using red sugar paste, roll out and cut a thin strip for the hat band and press a small ball flat for the flower center. Model small teardrop shapes with yellow trimmings and press flat to make the petals. Using sugar glue, assemble the clown's head.

 Roll out the remaining blue sugar paste and cut out a collar, measuring about 10 2cm ( 4 x 3/4in ). Stick in place, curling the edge. Color the last of the sugar paste green. Make the green, red, and blue juggling balls with the remaining pieces of colored sugar paste and stick them in place on the board around the clown's face.


Once the clown's face has been covered with sugar paste, gently rub a cake smoother over the surface.


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