Microwave & Food Characteristics


"drawing of food in bowl and dish "

Generally, food that is cold takes longer to heat up than food that is warm. It is more efficient to heat up food at room temperature than food from the refrigerator. 


" drawing of meat on platter"

Large amounts of fat absorb microwave energy and can cause the meat next to them to overcook. Fat can be shielded with foil and held in place with pieces of wooden cocktail sticks. 


"drawing of food in different size of bowls

This will affect the cooking times of food as the same mixture placed in a larger flatter dish will cook faster than that placed in a smaller deeper dish. Follow the dish sizes given in the recipes. 


"drawing of full and half bread "

Porous airy foods take less time to heat than dense heavy foods.

You are reading Microwave & Food Characteristics  


"drawing of cup cakes "

Foods that have high fat, and sugar content reheat very quickly, often the fillings of items with a lot of sugar in can seem hotter than the case, e.g., mince pies. Take care when biting into them, the pastry may seem cool, but the filling can be very hot. Do not overheat foods with high fat and sugar content, particularly mince pies and Christmas puddings.


"drawing of meat "

As microwave cooking is so quick only the best quality cuts of meat are suitable for roasting. The other cuts can be microwaved successfully as pot roasts, braised meats, stews, and casseroles


" drawing of vegetables in platters"

Some foods such as vegetables require extra water to be added to them. The amount is given in the appropriate chapters. This extra water helps create steam to cook the food.


"drawing of two potatoes of different sizes "

Small portions cook faster than large ones, always try to pick even-sized items if they are to be cooked together.


" drawing of potatos of different shapes on a paper"

Uniform shapes and sizes heat more evenly. Food cooked in round containers heats more evenly than food cooked in square dishes.


"drawing of meat with bones "

The bone may cause uneven heating, and bone tips on items such as crown roasts and ribs should be shielded to prevent overcooking.


" drawing of meat of different sizes with knife"

Smmore all pieces heat quicker than large pieces.

 Also Read: Microwave Cooking Techniques

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