image of  LEEK QUICHE



  • 4 sheets packaged file pastry 
  • 45g butter 
  • 4 small leeks 
  • 45g butter, extra 
  • 1 clove garlic 
  • 125g feta cheese 
  • 1/2 cup cream 
  • 3 eggs 
  • pepper 


Melt butter, and brush each layer of pastry. fold each layer over in half, and layer pastry one folded piece on top of the other to give eight layers Place the pie plate ( base measures 18cm ) upside down on the layered pastry, and using a plate guide, cut around the plate making a circle 1cm larger than plate Litt all layers of pastry into plate carefully, leave pastry standing up around the edge of plate 

Trim ends from leeks and leave about 5cm of the green tops since the leks are finely, wash well under cold running water, and drain well Met extra butter in pan, add leeks and crushed garlic cook about 5 minutes over low heat until leeks are just tender Add sieved cheese cream and lightly beaten eggs. mix well and season with pepper Pour mixture into the pastry case, and bake in a moderate oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown.


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