A big, scary dinosaur? Certainly not - this one has far too silly a grin



  • 2 liter ( 4 pint / 10 cups) bowl-shaped cake
  • 30cm ( 12in ) round cake board.
  • 1.4kg ( 2lb 13oz ) sugarpaste / rolled fondant
  • yellow, blue & black food coloring pastes
  • icing/confectioners' sugar in a sugar shaker
  • 345g ( 11 oz / 1½ cups ) buttercream
  • sugar glue 


  • large rolling pin
  • sharp knife
  • cake smoother
  • food-safe plastic dowelling
  • fine paintbrush 


Color 375g ( 12oz ) of sugarpaste yellow. Using icing sugar to prevent sticking roll out and cover the cake board. Trim the excess from around the edge and put aside to dry Trim the crust from the cake and slice the top flat, then turn the cake upside down. Cut the layer in the cake and sandwich the two halves back together with buttercream Spread a layer of buttercream over the surface of the cake to help the sugarpaste stick.

Color 1kg ( 2lb ) of sugarpaste blue. Roll out 750g ( 1 ½ lb ) of blue and cover the cake completely Stretch out any pleats and smooth the sugarpaste downwards around the shape of the cake. Trim any excess sugarpaste from around the base and position the cake on the cake board Rub the surface with a cake smoother to remove any bumps

Roll 90g ( 3oz ) of blue sugarpaste into a sausage to create the dinosaur's neck and put the plastic dowelling through the center. Pinch around the top of the neck to lengthen and narrow the sugarpaste, then shape the base of the neck to slant up at the back so that it will sit comfortably on the dinosaur's bowl-shaped body

image of DIPPY DINOSAUR body parts

Roll a ball using 60g ( 2oz ) of blue sugarpaste for the dinosaur's head, then pinch at the front to shape a rounded muzzle. Mark the top of the head by pressing the side of the paintbrush into the center to indent, then smooth around the eye area with your fingers. Mark a wide smile using a knife, then push the end of the paintbrush into each corner of the smile to dimple, and into the top of the muzzle to indent nostrils.

image of dinosaur face

Carefully push the dowelling and neck down into the bowl-shaped body, securing it with sugar glue, then press on the head. Color a tiny amount of sugarpaste black for the pupils and make the eyes with white sugarpaste. With the trimmings of yellow sugarpaste model several flattened balls in different sizes to decorate the dinosaur's back

Split the remaining blue sugarpaste in half. With one half, roll a sausage tapering into a point at one end and stick against the back of the dinosaur to the remaining piece of blue sugarpaste into four and model the teardrop-shaped feet marking the dinosaur's toes with the side of a paintbrush


When a large piece of sugarpaste is rolled out, lift it by folding it over the rolling pin. This will make it easier to position the sugarpaste on the cake.


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