A baby doll and teddy in their own pram make the perfect cake for small girls 



  • 2 liter ( 4 pint / 10 cups) bowl-shaped cake
  • 25cm ( 10in ) petal-shaped cake board
  • mauve, pink, cream & yellow food coloring pastes
  • 1.75kg ( 3½lb ) sugarpaste / rolled fondant
  •  icing/confectioners' sugar in a sugar shaker
  • 375g ( 12oz / 1½ cups ) buttercream
  • sugar glue
  • length of fondant-filled licorice/licorice
  • 4 licorice/licorice wheels 


  • large rolling pin
  • sharp knife
  • miniature,
  • 1.5cm (1/4  in ) & 13cm ( 5in ) circle cutters
  • cocktail stick/toothpick 


Colour 375g ( 12oz ) of sugarpaste mauve . Using icing sugar to prevent sticking roll out 315g ( 10oz ) and cover the cake board completely, trimming any excess from around the edge, and put aside to dry. Trim the crust from the cake and slice the top flat Cut two layers in the cake and sandwich them back together with buttercream.

Color 1kg ( 2lb ) of sugarpaste pink Roll a sausage using 140g ( 4 ½ oz ) and place around the top edge of the cake to create a lip. Turn the cake upside down. Roll out 750g(1 ½ lb ) of pink sugarpaste and use it to cover the cake completely, stretching out pleats and smoothing the sugarpaste around the shape of the cake. Turn the cake over, then smooth the sugarpaste inside the lip, trimming away excess Position the cake on the cake board.

image of cake crust

Roll out 75g ( 2 ½  oz ) of white sugarpaste. Cut a circle to cover the top of the cake using the large circle cutter. Shape a pillow using 125g ( 40z ) of white. Put aside a tiny amount of pink for the teddy's nose, then roll the remaining pink into two sausages tapering at either end and stick in position, one on top of the other, for the pram hood. Bend the licorice stick and push in for the handle. Stick the licorice wheels in place with sugar glue.

image of cake crust covered with pink sugar paste

Color 90g(3oz) of sugar past cream and 75g ( 2 ½ oz ) pale yellow. Roll a small ball nose and the doll's head with the cream sugarpaste Indent facial features by pressing the circle cutters in at an angle. Dimple the doll's smile by pressing in each comer with the tip of a cocktail stick. Mark eyelashes with the tip of a knife. With a small piece of pale yellow sugarpaste, roll a long teardrop and twist to make the curly hair.

image of baby  doll face cake

Roll 22g ( ¾ oz ) of mauve sugarpaste into a ball for the teddy's head. With 7g ( ¼ oz ). model a flattened oval muzzle, two sausage shapes for arms, and two ball ears. Indent the muzzle using a knife and an indent smile. Press a cocktail stick into each ear to indent then stick the ears in place. Press in the tip to mark eyes. Model the pink triangular nose.

Roll out the remaining pale yellow and cut a circle using the large circle cutter Press to create a scalloped edge, then fold and place in the pram. Thinly roll out the remaining mauve sugarpaste and cut circles to stick over the pram using the 1.5cm ( ¾ in ) circle cutter


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