Microwave White Bread Dough Recipe

image of  White Bread DoughMicrowave White Bread Dough 


  • 450 g or  1lb strong plain flour
  • 2x 5 ml  or  2 tsp salt
  • 25 g  or 1 oz fat
  • 2x5ml  or 2 tsp sugar
  • 2x5ml  or 2 tsp dried yeast
  • 300 ml or 1/2 pint warm water 

Microwave White Bread Dough Method:

In a jug, mix together the sugar, yeast, and water over and leave in a warm place to froth. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Rub in the fat. Warm the flour mixture for 30 seconds on HIGH.  

When the yeast is ready, add to the flour. Mix to an elastic dough. On a floured surface, knead for 5 minutes. Place in a greased plastic bag until the dough has doubled in size. To prove by microwave heat on HIGH for 10 seconds, stand for 10 minutes. 

Repeat as necessary until the dough has doubled in size. "Knock-back " dough, divide and shape as desired. Put in a lightly greased dish. 

Cover with a plastic bag. Re-prove until the dough has risen to the top of the dish. Cook individually on HIGH for 3-5 minutes. Test in the usual way - the loaf should sound hollow when tapped.  

WHEATMEAL: Substitute strong plain flour for 225 g ( 8 oz ) each of wheatmeal and strong white flour. 

GRANARY: Substitute strong white flour for 450 g ( 1 lb ) granary flour

Power: HIGH

Cooking time : 3-5 mins.

Dish: 450 g ( 1 lb ) loaf dish.

Also Read: MicrowaveGriddle Scones Recipe

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