image of adorable dophins cake


Two cute dolphins make the perfect cake for any child who loves the sec 


  • 1 x 2 liter ( 4 pint / 10 cup ) & 1 x 0.5 liter ( I pint / 2½ cup ) bowl-shaped cakes, 
  • 35cm ( 14in ) round cake board
  • 1.75kg ( 3½lb ) sugarpaste / rolled fondant
  • mauve, dark green, dark blue, pink & black food coloring pastes
  • icing/confectioners' sugar in a sugar shaker
  • 375g ( 12oz / 1 1/ 2  cups ) buttercream
  • sugar glue 


  • large rolling pin.
  • sharp knife
  • bone tool 


Split 500g ( lb ) of sugar paste into four color mauve, dark green, dark blue, and -pink. Put aside 15g ( oz ) of dark green, then knead the remaining colors into one another until streaky. Roll out and cover the cake board. Press over the surface with your fingers to indent. Trim excess from around the edge and put aside to dry.

Trim the crust from each cake, keeping the tops rounded where they have risen. Spread the surface with buttercream to help the sugar-paste stick Colour the remaining sugar paste grey using a little of each of the black and mauve food coloring pastes.

Using 155g(5oz )grey sugar paste model a teardrop shape and place it at the base of the large bowl cake to form the padding for the tail end. Roll tapering sausages using 60g ( 2oz ) and press on to the opposite side of the large cake to pad the dolphin's face. Roll out the remaining grey sugar paste and cover the cake completely, smoothing around the shape, then trim the excess sugar paste from around the edge.

With your finger, smooth into the mouth to indent a smile, then position the dolphin on the cake board. Gently push the large end of a bone tool into the sugar paste to indent eye sockets. Cover the other bowl cake in the same way, using 75g ( 2 oz ) of sugar paste to pad the tail end and 30g ( 1oz ) to pad the face.

Shape all the fins using the remaining grey sugar paste and stick them in place with sugar glue. Color a pea-sized amount of sugar paste trimmings black and model four tiny eyes. For the seaweed, roll different-sized sausages of dark green sugar paste, then pinch along the length to indent. Leave to set for a few moments before sticking them in position around the dolphins with sugar glue. 

image of body parts of adorable dophins cake


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