Cooking Complete Meals In Microwave

You may at first think the idea of cooking a complete family meal in such a small space is practically an impossibility. It's not, but it does take practice, and it’s best to start off simply. 

Do not try to cook a complete meal as soon as you unbox your oven. Learn how to use the features, start by integrating them into your normal cooking pattern, and try cooking one or two items at first for example the vegetables. pudding, custard, or sauce. 

As everything cooks so quickly you do need to be more organized, there isn't as much time between items for you to prepare vegetables, etc. So have everything ready before cooking starts so really the meal is cooked in a sequence. If an item does go cool you can always reheat it without spoiling the flavor. In fact, this is the greatest asset of preparing microwave meals, you can cook when it suits you and reheat when you are ready to eat. Ideal if you are entertaining or if the family all eat at different times. 

All meals are for 4 servings. 

image of complete meal in dish



  • Bacon, 
  • sausage, 
  • tomato, 
  • and fried eggs.

Method : 

Preheat the browning dish on HIGH for 6 minutes. Add sausages and cook on HIGH for 3 minutes. Turn sausages over, add bacon and tomato cook on HIGH for 3 minutes. Push bacon and tomatoes to the edge of the dish, and range sausages in a cross. Break the egg into each quarter, and cook on HIGH for 1½ mins. 



  • Bacon, 
  • mushrooms, 
  • tomato, 
  • and scrambled eggs.

Crack eggs into a jug and beat them together with milk and seasoning. Cook on HIGH for 1 minute. Remove from oven and stir.      



  • Soup 
  • Roast chicken 
  • New potatoes 
  • Fresh carrots,
  •  cauliflower 
  • Frozen peas 
  • Gravy 
  • Sponge pudding 
  • Custard 

Method :

Prepare soup in advance and leave it to go cold. Prepare all the fresh egetables and have them ready in cooking containers. Carrots nd cauliflower florets can be cooked together.   

Prepare chicken, and stuffed neck if wished. Place on a roasting rack, brush with melted butter or margarine and sprinkle with herbs or chicken seasoning      Prepare a sponge and put it in a dish ready to cook.  

 Cook chicken. At end of the cooking time drain 2 x 15 ml (2 tbsp . ) dripping into a jug. Wrap chicken in foil shiny side in and leave to stand for 15-20 minutes.    Cook potatoes. Leave covered to stand.     

Cook carrots and cauliflower and leave covered to stand.     eat gravy dripping on HIGH for I min, stir in makeup add any liquid from the vegetables, make up with warm water, and stock cube. Heat on HIGH for 2-3 minutes.    

 Heat soup on HIGH for 5 minutes, then serve. Place frozen peas in to cook while the soup is being eaten..  Reheat gravy for I minute. Serve dinner.  Put pudding on to cook while dinner is being eaten..  

Mix custard powder and milk to a paste, blend in the rest of the milk then heat on HIGH for 2-3 minutes. Serve with pudding. 



  • Chicken
  •  casserole 
  • Jacket potatoes 
  • Broccoli 
  • Egg custard

Method : 

Make egg custard and leave to chill.   Cook casserole.   Cook jacket potatoes, and leave to stand wrapped in foil shiny side in.   Cook broccoli. Leave covered to stand.  Reheat the casserole if necessary and serve with potatoes and broccoli.   Serve egg custard.


  • Spaghetti 
  • Bolognese or savory rice and Curry

Method :

Make meat sauce and cook. Leave to stand, covered. Cook rice or pasta, drain as necessary, and serve. Rice may need to stand for 5 minutes, so during this time, you can cook papadums. 


Most can be made in advance and served cold or just reheated before serving. 


Cold puddings should be made in advance to allow time for chilling or setting. Hot puddings can be made in advance and reheated or can be put on to cook while you eat the main course.

 Also Read: Increasing And Decreasing Recipe Servings In Microwave

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