image of DESSERTS WITH TEA recipe

The cake is best made and served on the same day Serve warm or cold 

  • 90g dark cooking chocolate 
  • 90g unsalted butter cup water 
  • 3 eggs, separated 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla 
  • cup castor sugar 
  • cup plain four 

Melt chocolate butter and water in a pan Place mixture into a small bowl of an electric mixer and beat on medium speed beat in egg yolks Add Vanna sugar and flour, and beat further 3 minutes Beat egg whites until fem peaks form, gently fold chocolate mixture into egg whites Pour mixture into 23cm savanna or 20cm ring in Place in a baking dish with hot water to come halfway up side on ain moderate oven 40 minutes or un top feels firm to touch Remove from water coor 5 minutes Turn on the serving plate, cool to room temperature sprinkle with icing sugar, serve with whipped cream 

image of DESSERTS WITH TEA recipe

  •  15 cups plain four cups castor sugar
  •  125g butter 
  • 1 egg yolk 
  • 1 tablespoon cold water, approximately 
  • 2 teaspoons castor sugar, extra 


  • 250g pecans 
  • 300 ml jars thickened cream 
  • 2 tablespoons honey 

Sin four into the basin, add sugar, rub in butter, add egg yolk, and enough of the water to mix to a firm dough Refrigerate for 30 minutes Rol Rolhat the pastry to fix the base and side of 23cm fan in add Filing cover with remaining rolled out pastry, trim edges Brush with water, sprinkle lightly with extra castor sugar, put on oven side, cook in moderately hot oven 10 minutes. reduce heat to moderate, and bake further 20 minutes or uns golden brown Serve warm with cream Filling: Combine all ingredients 


image of DESSERTS WITH TEA recipeThis case at its best cooked on the day it is required. There is no liquid in the sponge cake recipe

  • 3 eggs 
  • 1/4 cup castor sugar 
  • 1/4 cup comfort 
  • 1/4 cup plain our 
  • 1/4 cup self-raising flour


  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee powder 
  • 1 tablespoon hot water 
  • 3 teaspoon gelatine 
  • 1 tablespoon Tia Mari 
  • 1egg
  • 1/2 cup icing sugar 
  • 1/4 cup thickened cream 


  • 300ml jar of thickened cream 
  • 3 teaspoons instant coffee powder 
  • 3 teaspoons hot water 
  • 60g pistachio nuts 

Beat eggs and sugar on electric m units thick and creamy for up to 10 minutes Sim dry ingredients over the egg mixture and fold through highly Spread mature into greased and paper-lined Swiss roll in base measures 25cm by 30 cm Bake in moderate oven 15 minutes. Turn onto wire rack covered with greaseproof paper, remove ning paper, and roll up loosely from long side Stand for 3 minutes then unrok cool to room temperature Spread Falling over cake. roll up from the long side Place on the serving pane Spread half the Topping over the cake and decorate with the remaining Topping and chopped pistachio nuts 

To shell pistachio nuts Drop them into a pan of boning water, and boil for 4 minutes. Drain shell nuts and peel away skin 

Coffee Filling: Dissolve coffee in water Combine gelatine and Tia Maria over the water Beat egg and Inggaron in an electric mixer until thick and creamy Bear in gelatine and coffee mixtures Beat cream unfirm peaks form gently fold into egg mixture, refrigerate 30 minutes 

Topping Dissolve coffee in water, and cool Beat cream until firm peaks form fold in coffee mature.


  • 1 Granny Smith apple
  •  185g dried apricot 
  • 1/2 cup bottled fruit mince
  •  1 1/4 cup water 
  • 1 1/2 cup plain four 
  • 185g butter 
  • 1/2 cup ice-cold water 
  • white sugar 

Place water-peed apple and chopped apricots in pan Bring slowly to boil covered for 5 minutes Add fun mix well coo 

Sift flour into the bowl, coarse cold butter over the flour mix lightly with your fingertips butter stay in small lumps evenly throughout the pastry Add ced water pre ingredients together quickly and with a hand Refrigerate for 30 minute 

Roll dough out on a lightly floured surface to approximately 28cm 30cm Su fruit mince moisture evenly over pr Roll up as for a Swiss roll, starting from the short end Without cutting through completely divide into 12 even slices Place on ungreased oven tray shape to crescent Brush with a mega white sprinkle with sugar Bake in hot oven 30 minutes unit golden brown 


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